ALERT!! Three Changes Coming This Weekend!

TGIF! And, I say it again TGIF!

Happy Halloween!

Before I head out the door to start my weekend, I wanted to remind everyone of three changes that will happen this weekend.  Two of the changes are going to happen whether we like it or not!  The other change is extremely important, but it may be put on the back burner.

So here is the first change…. it is going to be in the weather.  It looks like we are going to get a bit of cold weather this weekend.  Temperatures are going to drop to the mid 30’s (35° F is what one weather news site is stating). If you haven’t already scheduled your Winter Tune-up (preventive maintenance), give us a call at 843-821-0937.  We do have a few appointment times available.

fall back clockThe second change …. is the time.  Yes, the time change is going to happen Sunday morning at 2 am.  Be sure that you don’t forget to set your clocks back 1 hour.  The extra hour of sleep won’t hurt my feelings one bit… unfortunately, it is going to be dark when I get home in the evenings.don't forget to change your filters

The third change … well, that is up to you.  It is time to change the filters in your heating and air conditioning systems. This is an extremely important change. If your air filters are filled with dirt and debris, your air conditioner and heater are starving for air. When our heating and air equipment is starving for air, it causes the motors to work harder. If the motors are working harder, they are pulling more amps.  When we draw more amps, we increase our electric bills substantially.  In addition, it could cause our equipment to fail prematurely.

Ok everyone… I know that it has got to be 5 o’clock somewhere!  Be safe and enjoy the weekend!