Safety is Important to Arctic Air, Inc.

This morning, I got a message from Ryan that works for the City of North Charleston. He reported on Twitter and via our website ( that one of our vans were stopped in “Do Not Block Fire Station Entrance/Exit”, and sent us a photo as proof. This message was retweeted by a couple of news agencies (ABC – @ABCNews4WebGrrl and  Live 5 News – @AnnLive5News), and other followers of these news sources.Arctic Air Van

Here is our response… “Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will get with our technician to find out his version, explain how important it is to pay attention to these signs, and to be sure that he is not a “distracted” driver.

In addition, at our next Safety Meeting, our Safety Officer will go over the importance of paying attention while driving, including: traffic signs, pedestrians, other motorist, moving over for emergency vehicles, speeding,  distracted driving, texting while on SC roads, taking photos on SC roads, etc.”  I have called Ryan at the City of North Charleston to discuss our actions with him, and to see if there are any other concerns.

He responded that “The blocking of that fire station entrance is a common occurrence, which we are trying to correct and prevent. Your van was the most identifiable, which is why I contacted you.” I also asked him if our driver was texting while driving? He responded, “No, texting was not observed. Thank you for addressing this in your safety meeting”.

In an effort to help reduce this issue at intersections like this, we are posting this on our Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and our website ( .

ARuud HVAC-Full Line wNewPlatform-EcoNetControlrctic Air is a heating and air conditioning repair, service and replacement company for over 23 years, and plan to be in business for many more. We believe in the safety of EVERYONE that we come in contact, whether on the road, or at a home or business.

We are all human and make mistakes, however, we are actively trying to reduce/prevent the number of mistakes that we make.

Please feel free to contact Mike at 843-821-0937 if you would like to discuss this further.