Good News…

Hello Everyone and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

MLKIt looks like today is going to be a beautiful Monday!  As I was think about what to write here, I started looking at some of the headlines in the news.  I scanned through and found many news articles that I could mention, but they were all “bad” news.  It was actually hard to find a great deal of the “good” news.

[stextbox id=”warning”]”Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” Martin Luther King, Jr.[/stextbox].

So, I figured, I would mention some of the “good” news that is going on, rather than focusing on the bad stuff.  Here are some of the headlines that I found….

  1. The City of Charleston gives $4.5 million in grants to arts groups.  Some of the groups that are benefiting are the Gibbes Museum, the Charleston Museum, the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, the Charleston Wine and Food Festival, the South Carolina Wildlife Exposition, and Spoleto Festival USA.  In addition, 30 other groups are also receiving grants.
  2. A crew of 24 is saved from a sinking ship in the West Pacific.
  3. Google contact lens could be an option for diabetics.  These contacts measure sugar through the moisture in the eyes.  This will hopefully keep diabetics from having to stick their fingers with needles to measure sugar levels.
  4. The Denver Bronco and Seattle Seahawks are heading to the Super Bowel. (Of course this could be construed as “good” or “bad” news depending on your favorite team.)
  5. Fort Braggs Soldiers are going to train with SC Deputies in Columbia.  This is to make sure deputies are prepared for many circumstances that could arise, and to make sure they are prepared to protect citizens in varying circumstances.
  6. Williams Memorial Elementary School in St. George, SC has 720 students in pre-K to 5th grade, and has been rated “Good” and “Excellent” marks by receiving the Palmetto Silver and Gold Awards.

As today rolls on, just think about some of the “good” things that are in your life.  It is easy to focus on the negative, but take time to search out the positive. You might be surprised at what you find!

[stextbox id=”warning”]”The time is always right to do what is right.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.[/stextbox]

Today, we remember the dream that inspired and motivated so many to work hard, and to make that dream a reality.

On a side note, please keep in mind that the weather is going to get into the 20’s at night here in Charleston for the next few days.  We have several nights like this ahead.  Be sure that your pipes are insulated, and take necessary precautions to prevent frozen pipes (ie, let water drip from faucets).  Our last blog entry (Cold Night Ahead…) has complete information on this topic.

[stextbox id=”warning”]“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”[/stextbox]

May your MLK day be blessed!

As always, we are here to help you with any ac, heating, or commercial refrigeration issues that you have – Arctic Air Inc – 843-821-0937 or Arctic Air Online Service Request