Brrrrrrrrh…. It’s COLD in Charleston SC!
WOW, what a change in our weather! We should shut everything down and stay in our warm homes… preferably on the couch, in bed or by a fireplace. Of course, I am just kidding. I know that life doesn’t stop because it is too cold to wear shorts outside.
When I went outside last night, it was at 30 degrees (F) and windy. Brrrrrrh… too cold for me. Then, I was overwhelmed by the thought of how thankful I am that I have shelter, heat, warm clothes, a loving family, great friends… and the list goes on.
A couple of years ago, I was privileged enough to go with a group from work to a homeless shelter downtown. My co-workers and I, raised money, shopped, got up at 4 in the morning, and cooked breakfast for over 100 homeless people. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Crisis Ministries ( does a fantastic job for some of the less fortunate in our community. If you decide that you would like to donate to an organization, this is one that helps people in our area. They would certainly welcome any help that you could give!
Do you have an experience that you are thankful for? Please feel free to share your experience(s) on our facebook page (
In closing, if you are having trouble with your heating, please feel free to give us a call. Thanksgiving is almost here, and we want you, your family and friends to be comfortable in your home.
Check out our specials page on our website.